ESG Sustainable Development

Energy Greenhouse and Gas Emissions

Energy Resource Management

The Company implements rigorous management of the power consumption of all internal areas of the plant. The Labor Safety, Facility Affairs, and General Affairs Departments are designated to adopt various energy-saving measures and facilities, such as electricity consumption education, power loading, replacement with high efficiency and energy-saving equipment, reduction of contract capacity with Taipower, and establishment of various energy management procedures.

CyberTAN Technology Plant: Energy saving measures include renewal of the energy saving chiller, replacement for LED lightings throughout the plant, and adjusting air-conditioning power on time.

GHG Emissions

Improving energy use and response to meet the 2050 National Reduction Targets toward net-zero emissions.

Emission reduction plan:

Water Resources Management

All of the water consumption of the Company is tap water, and the main water source is from Hsinchu Baoshan Reservoir No. 2. There is no generation of wastewater from manufacturing process and rainwater is discharged into the ground surface storm drainage which fits the rainwater and sewage diversion. Domestic wastewater is incorporated into the underground sewage drainage system of the Park’s management bureau. The sewage plant of the management bureau will coordinate management and maintenance. There have been no damages or impacts to the surrounding ecology of the business location.

Water saving and improvement measures: