
Talent Recruitment and Appointment

Diverse Talent Composition

CyberTAN Technology complies with the labor and gender equality-related laws and regulations for its employee recruitments and appointments. The Company upholds the principles of “Using the Right Talents”and “Respecting Human Rights.”

CyberTAN Technology hired talents from various countries, such as Malaysia, Vietnam, USA, and China, etc. This can increase interactions and exchanges between CyberTAN Technology and customers of different countries enhancing international capability. At the same time, CyberTAN Technology also cares about the hiring of disadvantaged groups and minority groups. We provide work opportunities to persons with disabilities to protect their basic living and rights and interests.

Towards Talent Sustainability

The cultivating and retaining of talents has always been a hard lesson for CyberTAN. We set our goals in cultivating and shaping employee and supervisor skills, enhancing resilience and supporting employees to fully exert their individual strengths and potential. By documenting internal knowledge to pass them on and introducing and encouraging external courses and training, we inspire employees to learn with the enterprise. Employees will gain a sense of value in their work.

Employee Welfare

  • Group insurance plans
    Employees are entitled to group insurance plans (life insurance, accident insurance, hospitalization medical insurance, cancer medical insurance and occupational hazard insurance) from the day they are onboard. Employees can also purchase additional insurance for their family members. This provides an additional protection to the employees and their families.
  • Unpaid Parental Leave
    On the talent retention policies, the Group takes an active approach in reaching out to the employees to learn about their actual needs and to implement employee care for reinstatement rate and retention rate after unpaid parental leave.
  • Employee Health Management
    Employee health has always been a top priority for the company. We provide on-site healthcare services with nurses twice a month and a physician once every quarter. Both nurses and physicians are qualified through review processes and have completed the necessary reporting procedures on the “Labor Health Protection Information Network.” We also promote a smoke-free environment and organize various health promotion activities to encourage a healthy lifestyle among our employees.
  • Employees Health Examination
    In 2022, the company partnered with more than six accredited medical institutions specializing in “Labor Physical and Health Examination” to provide our employees with annual health check-ups, exceeding regulatory requirements, which demonstrates our caring for employees.
  • Retirement System
    In accordance with Article 55 of the Labor Standards Law, which stipulates the standard of pension payment and Article 56 of the Labor Standards Law, which provides for the labor retirement reserve, the employer contributes monthly to the legal account of the labor pension fund, and the employer contributes 6% and 2% to the labor pension fund for the old and new systems, respectively. According to the Labor Pension Act, the percentage of the employees' participation in the retirement plan is 100%, of which only one employee is under the old system.