
Occupational Safety and Health

Safety and Health Policy

CyberTAN Technology Inc. pursues the goals of zero injuries, zero occupational diseases, and zero accidents under the principles of respecting and caring for labor health and safety while making continuous improvements to create the best workplace for all employees.

We work hard in implementing the following matters:

  • We follow domestic occupational health and safety regulations and other requirements, along with the goal of preventing harm and unhealthiness based on international standards, advanced technologies and optimal practices as benchmarks, we operate our facilities safely to protect our employees.
  • Install a comprehensive health and safety management system. Under this system structure, identify, evaluate, and control related risks to health and safety. Concurrently, we provide employees and their representatives sufficient communications and means of participating and consulting in health and safety activities.
  • Through complete and comprehensive education and training, we enhance the health and safety awareness of employees.
  • Strengthen emergency response preparation and develop operation survival plan to equip the company with the ability to respond to any impacts.

Education and Training for New and In-Service Employees

The Company abide by the “Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training Rules” to conduct new employee training, cultivating employee health and safety concept and to be equipped with hazard prevention skills. It is aimed to increase safety awareness and reduce the occurrence rate of occupational hazard.